Wednesday, June 11, 2014

3 Rs

Hello dear bloggers and classmates!
Today I'm going to talk about the 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
Actually, I don't practice this 3 things really often :P, I consider myself not a really green person as I must be. Everyday I forgot to turn off the light, so I need to take care of that. Even with my reprehensible behavior, I think that the 3 Rs are so important for our world. We must take care of the Earth, because we live on it, and at some point, if we continue doing bad things for the planet, there will be consecuences. So it's important think about our actions and what are our responsabilities with the planet where we live, and the 3 Rs are a great way to contribute to the planet
So I invite you to think about this and make a change, because the change start on us.

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