Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Our Last Blog D:

Hello my dear classmates and bloggers!
This is our last blog post :’(, and in this one, I’m going to tell you about this whole experience through the semester. I would like to start saying that the most part of the time it was a really fun experience.  Write the blogs every week it was an entertained way to force us to include new vocabulary and to improve our writing capacity.  In my personal experience, I think that know I’m more conscious of what I’m writing than the few past months.
In the future, I would like that be more free topics, which were the best topics I think. In my opinion, there is no a negative point, just some topics that I didn’t like because for me they were bore, like “3Rs” or “A place to eat”.
But, the most awesome part of the experience, is the Teacher ^^. She was always worried about our requirements, giving us her help and every little thing. And for that reason, I think that is the greatest English teacher in the university ;).
I’m gonna try to keep writing on the blog, because is a good way to relax when the university stuff get hard.

So, that’s all! It was a placer 


  1. I think something similar to you, but why you put in my blog TAMARA?

  2. I admired you! I thing you are so commit with you learning!
    Kisses my friend

  3. My soulmate, I want to say you that I love you, and I am agree with you about that the blog is a good way to relax! <3

  4. Also I think we have a very good english teacher, dear Rancaguino!

  5. I agree with you more free topics could be good.
