Friday, June 20, 2014

My Career!

Hello everybody!
I hope that everyone is alright with the finals! Today I’m going to talk about my career. As you know (I think) I’m studying psychology, and the reason of why I’m studying this is because my parents didn’t let me study Drama, and the only career that I liked it was this one.
In my opinion, the psychologists are professionals who can contribute to society in a lot of different ways. For example, a clinical psychologist can contribute to fix the mental problems of the people, or a communitarian psychologist can do a fieldwork with people who need help with social problems, or an organizational psychologist can work improving the relationships in a company. There’s a lot a ways to contribute to society and that is the reason of why I like this career.
The mains tools that a psychologist has to have will depend of the area that he works in, because some areas are different, and even in one area are different paradigms; for example, I can be a clinical psychologist from a constructionist paradigm or from a psychoanalysis paradigm, there is a lot of options to choose.
I don’t have a favourite, but my least hated subject is Psychology and Methodology of Social Research. I like those subjects but not a hundred percent, because some contents are bore.
In the future, I want to specialize in Organizational Psychology, because in High School I studied Business Administration so I can link that profession with this one.
That’s all!


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