Wednesday, April 2, 2014

It was November 25, 2011. And my theater class and I, were arrived to Pichilemu, to show our play in de Regional Championship of Drama. We were all excited about this new experience. We arrive to our home for those 3 days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). I put my clothes and other things in my room that I shared with my friend David, and then we went to lunch.
We went to the beach after lunch and in the evening we went to watch the other plays of the championship.
That day, we went to sleep really early because that next day we had to show are play in the morning. The play was a complete success and we enjoined every part of it.
In the night we went to celebrate that success and we slept very late.

I love this place for all the memories that I have. Every single minute that I spent on Pichilemu has a part on my heart. And, actually, I think that is a really quiet and nice place to visit on holidays.

1 comment:

  1. We traveled to Chiloe in the "study tour" jaja. Although pichilemu sounds very interesting.
